
elevate your spirits at the psychic gallery

mammoth lake’s psychic

palmistry, tarot, and psychic readings

3293 Main St.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546



Elevate your spirits at The Psychic Gallery, Mammoth Lakes' newest retreat for mind, body, and soul.

Unveil your journey with personalized palmistry, tarot, and psychic readings. Find balance through our expert chakra sessions.

Surround yourself with the soothing glow of custom candles, the mystical allure of our energizing crystals, and the fragrant essence of incense.

Immerse in captivating wall art that sets the tone for a space where spiritual and artistic beauty converge.



Discover the whispers of your fate with our palm, tarot, and psychic readings.
 Uncover hidden truths and embrace guidance. Elevate your spiritual journey with chakra balancing for a harmonious life.

Palm Readings

Insight into Life's Path: Palmistry involves examining the lines, mounts, and shapes on your palms to provide a unique glimpse into your life journey. Discover potential opportunities, challenges, and key aspects of your personality through the art of palmistry.

tarot readings

Divination with Cards: Tarot cards are a powerful tool for gaining insights into your past, present, and future. Our skilled practitioners interpret the symbolism and energy within the cards, offering guidance, clarity, and a deeper understanding of the forces at play in your life.

psychic readings

Tap into Intuition: Psychic readings involve tapping into your intuitive and extrasensory perception to provide guidance and answers. Whether you seek clarity on relationships, career, or personal growth, our psychics offer profound insights and a connection to the unseen energies shaping your destiny.

chakra balancing

Harmony Within: Chakras are energy centers within the body, and balancing them is crucial for overall well-being. This can lead to increased vitality, emotional balance, and a greater sense of inner peace.

Each service is tailored to provide a unique perspective on your life, allowing you to explore different aspects of your being and gain valuable insights for personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.



(760) 923-8822‬

3293 Main St.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546